So I have been a REALLY bad blogger in 2009! Hopefully 2010 will be better, especially after I graduate in May(!). Until then, here is a 2009 Year in Review (mostly for my mom since I forget to send her pics of the kids!) In my defense, we usually are in the same town so she sees them all the time, but still . . . sorry mom! So here they are: (I will probably break this into several posts since manipulating the pics gets unwieldy.)
After watching Bean be a flower girl several times, Bear finally had her turn when El Guapo's cousin (a former Army helicopter pilot -- the bride, that is!) asked Bear to be in her wedding. What an honor (and what fun!)
It was a little hard on Bean not being the center of all the attention, but she looked just as lovely since she was able to wear her flower girl dress from one of my cousin's weddings the previous winter.
Bear had fun blowing bubbles at the happy couple.
Beautiful sisters!

Both girls spent quite a lot of time on the dance floor!
A RARE Chica sighting!
January ended with a bang. Ben made his second trip to the ER for a cut to the corner of his mouth. A papoose board and four stitches later, he was good to go!