You are named after my grandma who was an amazing woman. She was a tiny lady with a strong spirit and passions for Jesus, baking, gardening, taking care of people and loving her grandkids. She has had an incredible impact on my life and who I have become. We so wanted to honor her by naming you after her. She had a short name, so instead, we gave you a longer version of that name with the intention of calling you the shorter nickname, just like Grandma E. The summer after you were born, we went to a family reunion where we brought out the old family Bible. Right there was written your name, the longer version we had given you, as Grandma E's real name! Even Grandpa, who had known her since she was five years old, had not known that her real name was the same as yours! I still get goosebumps when I think of it. Your name was meant to be!
Your first name can mean "light" or "God is my strength." We think this appropriate for a lovable little person who we call "Iron Fist in Velvet Glove!" You are quite the character: funny, sweet and smart. Also stubborn, opinionated and not easily swayed (or bribed with "stittas" stickers)! Your middle name is the same as Bean's because as she is, you are a "precious and undeserved gift from God."
Before you were born, I worried, "How could I possibly love anyone as much as I love my little Bean?" (Especially after I was so sick for most of the time you were in my tummy!) It sure seems silly now to have ever worried about that. Of course, we love you like crazy!! We are so excited to see what adventures your life holds. In your four short years, you have amazed, delighted and entertained us just by being YOU. You have expanded the love in our hearts and our family. You are an awesome little sister to Bean and a loving big sister to Bug. Happy Birthday, Bear!
Ditto - Bella
Great. Now I'm crying and it's only 9:30 am.
What a beautiful post. I also didn't know that Grandma E and Bear shared the same full name. That's AMAZING!!! And beautiful. God had Bear planned since the beginning of the world, and He even knew you'd find such a beautiful name for her. It was no coincidence! We LOVE you, Bear! Big hugs from TropicGirl!
And aw! A comment from Bella! How sweet!
Love the new Christmas layout and music! BEAUTIFUL!
Chica, where are ya?
I know it's too much to ask that you might post every day ;-) but I miss you!!!
Hmmm... I am always moved deeply by your posts. You are truly gifted friend! I need to get on my blog more often... maybe I'll resolve to do this with you as my inspiration! Let's talk soon. Love and miss you.
So, what was that about new blog posts? Still waiting! :-) I mean, who needs to finish papers and deadlines when blogging is so much more important. ha ha
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