What was that, Mr. Bernard? Could you please speak up? I think you said, "The Americans? We're going to smash them." Did I hear you correctly? Ummmm, I think when you trash talk, you're supposed to actually be able to back it up. So Mr. Lead-Croissant-In-Your-Speedos, what's it like to taste defeat? Oh wait, you're French. That's the feeling you live with everyday. . . .

Thanks for bringing home the gold, guys!! Victory is always sweet, but even sweeter when it's against trash-talking Frogs!
When I heard what the french said, I was just waiting to hear what you would have to say. I knew it was only a matter of time. =)
I can't watch the Olympics down here, but bless the person who illegally posted it on Youtube (only to be removed a few hours later). I watched that clip over and over and over and over and over and cried and applauded every single time! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVED it!
I love the look on Phelps' face. Classic!
Go America!!!!!!! Rarely have I been prouder!
Wasn't that incredible!!!!! I loved it. I must say though, that I think the guy who swam the last leg should get a little more recognition than he's getting. He was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
I have to say that Phelps looks like Darryn in his football days in that picture. He's not quite as muscular now, though his face is the same. ha ha!
Oh, and I agree with anonymous. You prompted me to blog about this too, and I think Lezak needs more of the credit. It really was his moment to shine and he did!
Yes, I have thought since Athens that Phelps reminded me of D.
And Lezak does so deserve more credit. I don't think that it's Phelps' or anyone else's fault, as much as it is the media. One of the reasons it's so fun to root for Phelps is that he seems like such a humble, genuine guy (unlike drunk skier-guy from the winter Olympics who bombed!).
The media (read NBC) is just crazy with all of the hype, but I guess that is their job -- to get people to watch, so they run tear-jerker stories on athletes, sing Chinese opera and show pictures of pandas. Gotta love it! (I hate NBC . . . , but that's another rant for another day!) :)
I keep reading your post and laughing all over again. "Mr. Lead Croissant"!!!! HA HA!!! You're awesome. Thanks again for another laugh!!!
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